Ethnicities of Origin
Amazon tribes
Maconha Brava
Zornia Latifolia
Countries of Origin
Discovery of
Maconha Brava
Description Coming Soon
Maconha Brava is a treasure trove of relaxation, calm and euphoria, often compared to canna ', but sweeter :)
Just like the "Baybean" and the "Marihuanilla", It would be mainly used in mixture, like plant "combo '" to amplify the effects of other plants.
≈ 0.1g as an infusion, or diluted in cold water. Can also be placed under the tongue (half a grain of rice).
There is an ethnobotanical use in the jungles of Peru and Brazil, as well as the Pima of northern Mexico where the leaves and buds are traditionally used as a relaxant promoting sleep.
The vernacular name Maconha Brava means "False Marijuana", the dried leaves and flower buds are used as a substitute for Cannabis by the Indians of Brazil, without causing a state of drunkenness. Zornia latifolia is mentioned by Albert Hofmann and RE Schultes in 1992 as a plant of the gods
Main Effects
Full description to come
This product is not intended for self-medication.
Associated Treasures